Hello I'm Mitchell Lavender and I use communication to create resources.


I wrote Journey for those of us who are discouraged from being in or returning to singlehood and for those of us who are married but facing disillusionment. My hope is that we would remember we're not alone, we're are not less, and we can find hope in our exact circumstances. Journey, while deeply grounded in Scripture, opens this conversation to help you discover what God may be trying to reveal to you in your circumstances.

I know a variety of people who are in a plethora of circumstances fighting the battle of singlehood or marriage. Journey is not a solution, Journey is instead a vulnerable beginning to a much-needed conversation that will hopefully create space for everyday-people to talk, heal, grow, and ultimately, orient themselves towards Jesus Christ in this season of their life.

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“Journey is a deeply personal and vulnerable form of teaching. It's not just extensive research and study compiled into a digestible presentation for our education. It is the sharing of truths a man has learned in his own life, only to come to realize that all these truths are laid bare in the Bible, for anyone to come to and gain understanding.” 

Nathan F, Associate at Law Firm

“...With raw vulnerability and painfully gained wisdom, Mitch Lavender takes us on a journey and addresses the longings of our hearts with relatability and true empathy.” 

Molly O, LMHC

"He simplifies the complex intricacies of pursuing and participating in a romantic relationship with alluring anecdotes, hopeful encouragements, and biblical principles easily digestible for single and married readers alike."

Nathanael V, Insurance Agent

"This book encourages those who are vested to stay at it. The chapters discussing harmony and peace (Shalom) are essential keys to long lasting relationships.  Whether it is Marriage or our spiritual relationships with the God family, this book is a reinforcement to strengthen one's foundation." 

Roshanda L, Teacher

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